Severin Nilson, Cloud
From the collection of Hallands Konstmuseum
Hallands Konstmuseum maintains an extensive collection of photographic material from Halland. At Bildstationen (the Image Station), this wealth of images is made accessible to the general public. Book publishers, newspapers, social organisations and private people rely on it for help finding images and ordering copies. Bildstationen is run in concert with the City of Halmstad and the Employment Office.
At Bildstationen, all images are catalogued in a database. The image techniques and formats are varied. There are daguerreotypes, glass plates, paper copies, slides, postcards, negatives and newspaper clippings. Modern data processing makes it possible to quickly classify and scan through all the images. There are a total of about 200,000 photographic images catalogued in the database, of which about 4,000 are portraits and about 20,000 are pictures from Halmstad.
Bildstationen is for you
Come in and visit Bildstationen! You are welcome here regardless of whether you’re looking for information for your research or whether you’re simply curious. Staff is available to help you find what you’re looking for. You can also order copies of images. Contact Bildstationen for more information and pricing.
Contact: Andreas Johansson, tel. 035-16 23 19, andreas.johansson@hallandskonstmuseum.se
Opening hours: by appointment