

Halland Art Association’s Juried Spring Salon

Hallands Konstförenings jurybedömda Vårsalong (Halland Art Association’s Juried Spring Salon) is a major art event in Halland. Every year, numerous artists with a connection to Halland submit their works for evaluation. Based on the submitted entries and the jury’s selection, an exciting exhibition takes shape.

This year’s jury consists of Jörgen Svensson, Director of Dalslands konstmuseum (Dalsland Art Museum) in Upperud, and Anna Persson, Principal of Dômen Konstskola (Dômen Art School) in Gothenburg. Both jury members are active artists.

For this year’s Vårsalong, 306 artists submitted their works for consideration. Of these, 37 have been selected, contributing a total of 111 works. The participants come from a wide range of locations, but they all share a strong connection to Halland. The 2025 Spring Salon presents a diversity of artistic expressions across various techniques, including painting, printmaking, photography, sculpture, and several textile techniques such as tufting and embroidery.

Vårsalongen is organised by Hallands Konstförening and Hallands Konstmuseum (Halland Art Museum) with support from Region Halland. The exhibition runs until 4 May.

Guided tours: Wednesday, 26 March at 18:00 and Saturday, 12 April at 14:30.